Day 10 of 27: December 8, 2009
Lunch: Mixed green salad with vinaigrette and grilled asparagus
Dinner: Green beans and tomatoes tossed in homemade lemon vinaigrette, fried egg, tabouleh, and stuffed grape leaves
I watched the film, Food Inc., and was horrified to discover that 90% of my diet contains corn or one of its byproducts. I decided I needed to do something drastic. I am going on a corn free diet from November 29, 2009 until March 2, 2010. This experiment will, therefore, be 100 days long. I felt this is the perfect challenge to flirt with a life independent from the main ingredient in American industrial food.
How 27 days turned into 100 days: I decided around day 25 to extend this project for an additional 75 days to live corn-free for a total of 100 days. This would allow me more time to note quantifiable changes in my life.
In reality, 27 days is not a very long time. While I have begun to witness health benefits and deal with challenges, I want to extend this experiment to account for more days where struggle will be evident. For example, I am planning several road trips in the coming months. I want to see how difficult is it to drive long distances without caffeine energy drinks and fast food. Basically, I want to allow enough life to happen to see if this is just a one-time experiment or if I am beginning to develop a new way of life.